How You Can Dramatically Increase Your Closing Ratio


Don't Tell God how big your storm is....

Tell the storm how big your God is.



How You Can Increase Dramatically Your Closing Ratio
By: Dave Cole

Golly, if you're involved in any kind of marketing or
promoting a product....seems like you've got to be
some kind of superman salesman to make a lot of sales.

Well guess what.

I disagree.

In fact, I stink at trying to "sell" somebody something. I
wrote an article several months ago that had the title, "How
I Couldn't Sell Noah A Lifeboat, If The Ark Was Full
Of Holes."

Guess what else.

I'm a field rep with a company called HealthyPetNet.
They carry a line of premium pet care products for dogs
and cats and horses.

Within 10 months time of my joining, I was able to rise
to be in the top 2% of distributors in the company.

I hate selling.

I hate to be sold.

I don't sell.

When I talk with people it's very relaxed, easy going

I'm not in the business of taking people's money.

I'm in the business of informing people about our products
and about our opportunity.

What I am very good at is finding out problems that my
potential customer's pets have.

Then it's a simple matter of sharing with them what our
products have done for either our own pets or other's
pets with similar conditions.

I always tell them I cannot make any medical claims that
our products will cure or prevent any condition...that's
against the law, and against company policy....however I can
and do share with them a story of another dog or cat
with a similar condition and how that pet was
helped by our products.

You know what else makes a really big difference?

When I call someone up or talk with them face to face,
I never use high pressure selling tactics.

I show that person I care.

I enjoy talking with pet people. I enjoy hearing from them
their own stories about their pets. I show that person I
genuinely care about the health and well being of their

I'm honest.

I don't brag, or make false or inflated claims. When I
talk with people about the opportunity I tell them upfront, this
is about building a real business.

I tell them to take their time and make sure this is something
they really want to do and can have fun with. I tell them
it's going to take work to really build a big income.

When I talk with folks about the opportunity I never try
to "drag them across the finish line." In fact I tell them
up front that I don't even want them if I have to do that.

If I have to high pressure you into something, let's face
it, you aren't going to do very well with the business anyway.
so why put pressure on you and on me and give my
company a bad name in the process?

I don't want your money.

I do want you to be a part of my team and do want to
show you how to make money.

What I am good at when talking with folks about the
opportunity is finding out their core desires. What it is they
really want.

Then I show them how HealthyPetNet can give them
what they want in life.

Some people are ready, some are not.

You've got to meet people on their own level. You've got
to respect that. You've got to respect people.

To build a big income takes time and hard work, I
tell them that.

The pot of gold is at the end of the rainbow, but you've got
to climb that rainbow to get it.

I tell people this may not be the right opportunity for them.

People appreciate that I take the time to get to know them.

People appreciate that I don't call them up and try to sell
them something. If a person in my opinion is not right for the
opportunity, I will politely give them an easy out.

I respect people. I'm genuine. I'm not interested in
taking their money. I am interested in helping them build
a business.

I am genuinely interested in helping their pets.

The Internet has totally screwed up people's heads on
what is solid marketing that works.

Spam the hell out of em. Bombard folks with thousands of
hype ads that promise, no work, nothing to do, sign on
the dotted line and you'll be making $60,000 in 3 months.

It's no wonder people are leery. They've been lied to,
ripped off, taken to the cleaners, worked their butts off
doing what the company said and made no money, &
purchased shoddy products that looks like a kid in
grade school put together.

Lets get serious here.

You want to make money, then here's how.

1.  Find a need and fill it.

2.  Find a quality company with quality products that you
     can honestly represent.

3.  Be yourself when you talk with people about your products.

4.  Enjoy what you are doing and have a passion for it.

5.  Be honest with people.

6.  Care:.... genuinely care about your customers and prove it to

7.   Be there for them when they need you.

8.   Dont try to sell people on something. Share what the
      products or the company have done for you or for someone else.

Now how hard is that!

If you are genuinely concerned more about helping others
than you are about helping yourself, you can't fail to make

In fact that's a law of the universe. It's an un-breakable
law. We all would do well to give to others before we
try to reap rewards.

The Internet has turned it backwards. Reap the rewards

Sorry folks, but that's why Internet marketing is not working
for thousands upon thousands of really good people.

You must give before you reap.

Try to change that law of the universe and you'll end up
being continually disappointed with the results.

Dave Cole
Prosperity: The Choice Is Yours
Copyright © 2005

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This article may be freely copied or used under the
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