How You Can
Write Your Goals


How To Write Your Goals
by Stuart Goldsmith

Within the next hour, you are going to get out of the
chair and write yourself a fistful of goals. Here's how:

On a single side of plain paper, write a list of ten
things you would like to achieve in your life; five
long term, five short term.

The first goal should be something which you cannot
complete in your lifetime. This makes you think
carefully. It makes you realize what is important to
you, and why you are here. The long-range goals stop
you being frustrated by short-term setbacks. 

You might be very surprised, at what you write for this
goal - it might have nothing to do with your present life.

As an example, if you are a writer, your goal might
read: "One day, every educated adult on the planet will
have heard the name Stuart Goldsmith, and have some
idea about his philosophy." By the way, that isn't one
of my goals because I am not out to save the world -
just you, you miserable sinner! But it is a good
example of something that would transcend my lifetime.

The next goal should state an exact amount of money
which you will one day have. Again, this is a lifetime
goal and should not carry a date. Example: "One day I
will have a net worth of ten million dollars." This
goal quantifies your dreams of wealth and sets an
ultimate target. But before you write this particular
goal, spend a few moments considering if you are
willing to pay the price. Don't want to pay the price?
- then don't write such a grand goal.

After you have finished writing your list, I want you
to look at your 'money' goal and answer the question:
"What one thing can I do right now, today, which will
take me a step closer to this goal?" It could be a
simple thing like a telephone call, but write it down
as your eleventh goal: "By the end of today I will
have................. which will advance me one step
closer to my financial dream."

The rest of the sheet is for eight specific time-dated
goals. For example: "By January 1st 2004, I will have
moved into a four-bedroom, detached house in large

Goal-Setting Tip #1

Do not get bogged down in worrying about if goals
should be in the past tense or future tense; or if they
should be written at midnight or midday. The bottom
line is that none of this matters nearly as much as
actually writing them!

Goal-Setting Tip #2

Do not write a goal in the hope that you will attain it
by mystical methods; that somehow the 'bountiful
universe' will cause this money to 'flow' to you. It
won't. That stuff is for dreamers. To make your goals
come true requires action on your part.

Goal-Setting Tip #3

Bùy yourself one of those natty little crèdit card
wallets at some point in the near future. They are
small leather wallets with individual clear plastic
pockets designed to hold about ten crèdit cards. Write
out your goals onto credit-card sized pieces of white
card. You should keep the cards in this wallet and
carry them with you always. 

Normally, goals are written on a sheet of paper - fine
if you live alone; you can leave it lying around to
remind you of your goals. But if you have a family, or
people coming to visit you regularly, then you don't
want these people to see your private dreams. So what
happens is that you put the piece of paper away in the
drawer - and there it stays for several months! I
really like this card idea because it means that you
always have your goals with you, and they remain

Goal-Setting Tip #4

Before writing a big life-goal, do a double check to
see if you can uncover the underlying need. It would be
a great shame to spend your life pursuing a grandiose
long-term goal when in reality this just stands as a
symbol for an underlying need - a need which could
perhaps be filled far more easily.

Copyright Stuart Goldsmith. All Rights Reserved. 
Article excerpted from Stuart Goldsmith's book, "The Midas
Method". Stuart is a British multimilliònaire author and
lecturer. He created a 16 milliòn fortune starting from a
position of heavy debt, and has taught thousands of others
how to get wealthy. Discover how his breakthrough power
strategies can help YOU achieve your specific goals/dreams. 
Visit here... Know How To Be Rich

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