Giving Away

Free Information


Why Give Away Free Information
Jill Black

The idea of publishing and giving away free 
information is not a new concept. Drug companies, 
for example, have been publishing and disseminating 
free information booklets and pamphlets to promote 
prescription drugs for targeted conditions such as 
diabetes, asthma, heart disease for a long time.

The Internet has accelerated this trend. Just as a 
person attends a trade show or similar event will 
collect the free pamphlets and booklets from each 
stand these same people also collect free 
information and books while browsing on the web.

This has led to the giving away of the many free 
newsletters and books that proliferate on nearly 
every web site making this marketing method weaker 
than in the past as there is currently too much 
free information available. 

However, people who come to your site still expect 
to learn something or take away for information 
when they leave. 

The more free information you can provide the more 
likely they are to visit again in the future.

Only high quality information will be read.

As a promotional tool only high quality information 
gets read, much like the glossy brochure that provides 
a wealth of helpful information that a person is more 
likely to read rather than dispose of immediately into 
the rubbish bin.

Never use blatant advertising that is nothing more 
than a list of products you have on offer with a 
"buy my products" message on every page with no real 
content for the reader as this will qualify with 
instant deletion and what could have become an 
ongoing relationship with a new potential customer 
or client is probably lost forever.

Content is published at web sites and given away 
for free for a variety of purposes including.

- To distribute as a promotional tool to generate 
traffic to a web site at minimal or no cost - except 
for the time involved in producing the material.

- To gain new leads by having people sign up and give 
their contact information before receiving the free 

- As a bonus when someone purchases a more expensive 

As a marketing tool free information will always be 
around so take a look today at your business and 
decide how you can best use this tool to increase 
your profits by giving something away for free. As 
they saying goes "you have to give before you receive" 
and this is especially true on the net.

Copyright J Black. For more articles and ideas visit 
Jill online at

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